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Your scar is your Badge of Courage

Some wounds heal but leave scars.
If a child hurts himself riding a bike on a great adventure and winds up with a scar on his cheek.
He could look at the scar in different ways.
He might see it as a reminder to play it safe next time. or, he could take a braver perspective and consider the scar a badge of courage, and a reminder of a time he went on an adventure.

Do you have a scar that scares you from trying something again? - something you really want. 
Why not view that scar as a proof of your bravery and of the possibilities.  

Remember Courage or fear — one or the other is going to dominate in a person’s life. There are very few 50/50 players. But the scales aren’t remotely balanced. By default, fear will win. That’s just the way we’re wired.

Fear keeps you alive, sure.
It can also keep you from living.

Maybe there are times when all “brave” means is having the clarity to recognize what’s truly important to you, then doing it, willing to pay the price it demands. Because part of recognizing what’s important is realizing that to live with not doing it will cost you much, much more. 

Maybe what looks like bravery is sometimes just a matter of listening … listening for a call and then setting foot on a path without looking back.

And, finally, what about the days when nothing seems to work and the path seems like folly? Days like that go with the territory. Get used to the idea.

And remember this:
“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” — Mary Anne Radmacher

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